Kanabia Review [CBD Brand Overview]

Avatar photo Written by Green Shoppers
Updated on March 28, 2020

CBD is now more popular than ever. Kanabia CBD is one of the many US brands producing CBD products these days, and it’s even a research-focused company. Find out what we thought of the Kanabia products in this review.

Kanabia CBD Quick Summary

Kanabia Pros

  • The products are high-quality and come with a backing of research.
  • Kanabia grows organic hemp and puts a lot of effort into producing quality products in cGMP facilities.
  • The added ingredients of turmeric, rosemary, and ashwagandha provide extra benefits; they also make the products unique compared to other brands.

Kanabia Cons

  • We didn’t see any evidence of lab reports. Usually, we recommend that our readers always check for lab reports.
  • There is not a lot of product variety. If you’re on the market for something else, you’ll have to look elsewhere.
  • Kanabia doesn’t ship to the UK.


For more amazing brands, visit our Best CBD Oil in the UK guide. While Kanabia doesn’t ship to Britain, we know a tonne of brands that do!


Full Kanabia CBD Review

CBD users are spoilt for choice these days! There are so many brands and product types out there that it can be confusing trying to decide where to start. That’s where we come in. Rather than fretting over finding a brand and potentially buying poor-quality CBD, check out the reviews here at Greenshoppers.

Today, we are filling you in on Kanabia. There are a couple of other Kanabia reviews out there, but we try to be as thorough as possible. We tried the capsules and the tinctures, and we’re here to tell you what we thought.


Who Is Kanabia?

Kanabia is a forward-thinking CBD brand. It’s run by parent company Blue Sky Biologicals, a company that works in research and health fields. Kanabia has its headquarters in Vancouver, Canada, but also deals CBD in the US and has a global team.

The main selling point for Kanabia CBD products is that all research, production, and testing is done by the brand. This ensures that the brand knows what goes into every single part of the process, leading to a quality end-product for the consumer. You have to wonder what the ‘in-house research’ is producing; nevertheless, the manufacturing process is pretty faultless.

Kanabia grows its own hemp that is then processed in a cGMP standard manufacturing facility. The company also grows the hemp organically, which is great news for many users searching for organic CBD.

This brand does not have an enormous product range. However, sometimes, less is more. Below, we let you know what we thought of the products.


Kanabia CBD Products

Kanabia sells two types of CBD products: CBD oils and CBD capsules. Most brands these days have gigantic product ranges, but Kanabia’s limited selection is not necessarily a bad thing. Instead, it shows that they put their all into making a few products perfect, rather than spreading themselves too thinly.

So, let’s check out the products.

Kanabia CBD Oils

Kanabia cbd

Kanabia sells two different types of CBD oil. Both are made with the brand’s signature gold harvest CBD, which is what the brand calls its full-spectrum blend of cannabinoids. Kanabia claims to have figured out a way to create the best full-spectrum CBD products through its research and growing methods. The gold harvest extract contains CBD, CBDV, CBG, and THCV, among other cannabinoids. Note, however, that there is 0% THC.

The first variety is a standard CBD oil. It consists of MCT oil and the gold harvest extract, with nothing else. Experts consider MCT to be the best carrier oil for CBD due to the way the body breaks it down, leading to optimal effectiveness. Furthermore, it has a mild flavour that users can somewhat enjoy. We still found it to be a bit hempy, but it’s not as strong as a hemp seed oil base would be.

The other variety is almost the same, but it is also infused with turmeric and rosemary extract. These ingredients have anti-inflammatory effects, making this kind of oil more effective for pains and general health issues. Furthermore, they had an interesting and unique taste to the oil. Admittedly, it’s still not for everyone, but it makes a change from the standard bitterness of CBD hemp oil.

All Kanabia CBD oils come in 30ml bottles, which is larger than those you get from other brands. Note that this means the percentage strength of the oil is weaker than other brands. There is a dropper attached for ease of use. Both varieties come in strengths of 250mg, 500mg, and 1000mg. The turmeric and rosemary versions are slightly more expensive than their standard counterparts. While the standard oils start at $24.99, the turmeric and rosemary tinctures start at $29.99.

Kanabia CBD Capsules

Kanabia cbd

If the taste of CBD is simply too much for you, then Kanabia also stocks capsules. The CBD capsules are a new addition to the Kanabia website. Unlike the oils, there is only one variety of capsules. The CBD oil capsules contain turmeric and ashwagandha extract, alongside the golden harvest CBD extract.

As we mentioned earlier, turmeric is an anti-inflammatory. Ashwagandha, meanwhile, is said to be beneficial for those suffering stress. As such, the capsules make a great daily addition to your lifestyle due to these added ingredients.

Kanabia sells two sizes of capsules. The first contains 10mg of CBD per capsule, with 300mg in total; the second contains 60 capsules in the tub, equating to 600mg in total. The prices are $49.99 and $79.99, respectively.

By the way, the capsules are vegetarian-friendly, too!


Final Verdict on Kanabia: 6/10

All in all, Kanabia is a great brand. It’s one that clearly puts a lot of effort into its products, and that is something we can never fault. Kanabia oversees the entire process, from growing the hemp to manufacturing the products. It’s great to see a brand putting this much care into its products.

There is not an enormous range of products available. However, the products that are there are top-quality. Everything down to the packaging is a positive. Our main downside is that Kanabia doesn’t seem to provide lab reports. Given that reviews are positive and everything else checks out, Kanabia might just get away with this oversight. It would be better if they provided reports in the future, though.

Decided Kanabia isn’t the brand for you? Explore more great CBD brands through the ‘Review’ tab at the top of this page – there’s an exciting world of CBD just waiting around the corner!